Am I a responsible drinker? The impact of message frame and drinker prototypes on perceptions of alcohol product information labels Data set information Data set title: Davies & Field_Perceptions of alcohol health warning labels data. Principal investigator: Emma L Davies Data collection dates: Data from University 1 were collected from March-June 2019 and from University 2 from November 2020 – January 2021. Geographical location: UK Methods: Online experiment conducted in Qualtrics Data processing and analysis conducted in SPSS. Variables Gender 1= woman, 2 = man, 3 = non-binary Ethnicity Occupation Education HeavyFAV Heavy drinker favourability (1 =extremely negative; 7 = extremely positive) HeavySIM Heavy drinker similarity (1= not at all; 7 very). RespFAV Responsible drinker favourability (1 =extremely negative; 7 = extremely positive) RespSIM Responsible drinker similarity (1= not at all; 7 very). Responses to individual messages Positive Drinking less reduces your risks of getting seven types of cancer Regular alcohol-free days are good for your liver. Try to have at least two alcohol-free days per week You can reduce your risk of dying from heart disease by drinking less alcohol Negative Alcohol increases your risks of getting seven types of cancer Drinking alcohol every day is harmful to your liver. Try to have at least two alcohol-free days per week You are more likely to die from heart disease if you are a heavy drinker Ambiguous You should enjoy drinking alcohol responsibly. You should know your own limits when it comes to alcohol consumption. It is important that you stay in control of your own drinking. Individual items Is the information if new to them (no/yes) if they believe it (no/unsure/yes), if it is personally relevant (1-totally irrelevant, 2, - not very relevant, 3 –unsure, 4- a bit relevant and – 5 very relevant), and if it would make them change their drinking (no/unsure/maybe/yes). 12 items per condition Intentions Q110 ‘to what extent do you believe you should reduce the amount of alcohol you consume? (from 1 = not at all to 7 = to a great extent); Q111 ‘to what extent do you think you will actually reduce the amount of alcohol you consume?’ (from 1= not at all to 7= to a great extent) Q2.2_1 To what extent do you intend to do the following in the next week? A) have an alcoholic drink (from 1 = ‘definitely do not intend to do this’ to 7 = ‘definitely intend to do this’). Q2.1_2 To what extent do you intend to do the following in the next week? B) get drunk (from 1 = ‘definitely do not intend to do this’ to 7 = ‘definitely intend to do this’). AUDIT score (range 0-40) Group 1 = positive, 2 = negative, 3 = ambiguous NewReduce (Q110 +Q111 ) / 2 NewIntend (Q2.2_1 + Q2.1_2) / 2 Age in years AUDIT categories 1 = low risk, 2 = increasing risk, 3 = higher risk, 4 = possible dependence Source01 – 0 = university 1, 2 = university 2 INT_comp – average of all four intention questions Labelnovel average novelty rating BELIEVE average believability BChange – average potential to change behaviour